Reg. No. 315369/080/081 | Vat No. 600962591

Rara Lake

Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Rara's serene turquoise waters mirror the surrounding peaks, creating a sight that captures the heart. As you stroll along the lakeshore captivated by its tranquil ambiance, the gentle breeze will carry the scent of wildflowers, while birds flit through the trees.

Rara Lake is a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, inviting you to witness the wonders of nature up close. Surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, the landscape surrounding Rara Lake is a picture of serenity. Take a moment to immerse yourself in the stillness, to let the beauty of this untouched paradise wash over you.

Whether you choose to trek around the lake or simply sit on its shores, Rara Lake will leave a deep and joyful impression in you. Its simple yet profound beauty serves as a gentle reminder of the wonders that exist in the natural world.

Rara Lake Tour
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